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For those of you who don’t know who Mat Fraser is, there is a good chance you have never set foot in a CrossFit Box.  Mat Fraser has been coined the “Fittest Man In the World” as a three time CrossFit champion (2016,2017,2018).   Besides working out 6 hours a day, Mat seems like an ordinary guy who likes Hershey bars and lots of sleep.

10 things you should know about Mat Fraser

  • Mat is 29 years old and lives in Cookeville Tennessee
  • He is the son of Canadian Olympic skaters Don Fraser and Candace Jones
  • Mat took 2nd place in 2014 and 2015 prior to winning the CrossFit games in 2016,2017,2018
  • He has an Olympic weightlifting background, but switched to CrossFit following a back injury in 2009
  • He does not follow a specific diet such as paleo like many CrossFit athletes, but tries to eat 4 or 5 big meals a day consisting mainly of meat, vegetables, and sticky white rice
  • If he cheats on his diet it is usually with an old fashion Hershey bar
  • For recovery, Mat uses a TheraGun (high powered massager) and a Compex (electric stim machine)
  • Mat tries to sleep 10 hours a night
  • He works out 2 times a day; the morning session is typically 2 ½ hours and the afternoon session is 3 hours
  • He claims his workouts are random each day and tries to switch up heavy conditioning and strength training

Learn More About Mat Fraser
