Welcome to Balance Gym
Hey DC Fray Members! Welcome to Balance Gym! We’re very excited to have your community, join our community. You guys like going out, we like going out. You guys like being active, we like being active. It’s really a perfect match!
Whether your sport of choice is Flag Football or Skeeball, we want to help you increase both your strength and drinking stamina endurance. Even though you’re part of a team, we recognize that you are an individual, and believe no one workout is perfect for everyone. That’s why we offer a wide variety of fitness options to choose from including BootCamp, Zumba, Yoga, Weightlifting, and more. You’ll also find that we’re much more than typical gym. We use our surroundings to their fullest, training outside as much as in, from burpees at the Washington Monument to running through Rock Creek Park. And the fun doesn’t end there.
We’re a place to hang out, meet friends, and have fun. Our members and staff frequently join together on weekends and after work for hikes up Old Rag, inner-tubing down the Potomac, biking to the beach, retreats in West Virginia — and running around the city in our underwear at The Cupid’s Undie Run to raise money for The Children’s Tumor Foundation.
We pride ourselves on creating an open and welcoming environment that both inspires our members and encourages them to push toward their goals. Our latest win in the Washington Post — as both the Best Place to get Ripped and the Best Gym that Doesn’t Intimidate You, serves as a testament that our members feel the same way.
We look forward to seeing you in the gym!
DC Fray Free Month Membership Special
There's no better way to get ready for turkey day than to workout FREE at Balance Gym for the month of November!