This month, Balance Blast is our featured class! This 30-minute workout focuses on working your glutes and core, and it’s high-intensity nature means that it’s super efficient – no minute goes to waste! We chatted with three of our Balance Blast instructors: Cassia Denton and Amanda Rose, who teach at Foggy Bottom, and Marc Hernandez, who teaches at Thomas Circle, about the class, their tips for first-timers, and why you should try it out!
Tell us a little bit about Balance Blast, and how it’s different from other classes at Balance?
Amanda: Formerly known as ‘Butts and Guts,’ you can expect a glute/core focused workout. The class is only 30 minutes, but we waste absolutely no time. You spend 6 minutes on just two movements, so we really work the muscles to fatigue while building up a crazy sweat.
Cassia: It is short and sweet! At Balance we really believe in functional fitness, so it can be a good switch-up to work on some more targeted, isolation movements.
Why do you love Balance Blast?
Marc: I love Balance Blast because it allows members to focus on muscles like the glutes – which are often neglected if you spend a majority of your day sitting.
Amanda: It’s a great class for anyone. While it’s a high intensity/impact class, it is so easy to modify any movement. Almost everyone is forced to modify by the end of class. Our motto in class is “don’t be afraid to use those modifications!” We encourage working to failure, rebounding quickly, and giving 100% of your efforts the entire time.
Cassia: I love how it is short but effective! People sometimes believe that you need to be at the gym for hours for results, but 30 minutes can make a huge difference.
Why should people try Balance Blast?
Marc: People should try it because it’s short and time-efficient – as classes go, it’s a great bang for your buck!
Amanda: While there are always modification options, there are also always more advanced options. This class challenges all levels of fitness, and it only takes up 30 minutes of your day, so why not?
Cassia: Group Exercise can be intimidating if you have never done it before, so it is awesome to start with something achievable. Thirty minutes is something everyone can wrap their heads around!
What is your number one tip for people who are new to the class?
Marc: Be present! It’s a great time to build a good foundation of all the movements.
Amanda: Come early, find your spot/equipment and get to know some of the regulars!
Cassia: Every instructor is going to give you modifications to make it harder and easier, so put your trust in their capable hands. All we ask is that you put in work for every single one of those 45 seconds. Don’t short change yourself!
Anything else you want people to know about Balance Blast?
Marc: I want people to realize that the class will transfer over into other aspects of your workouts and your life!
Amanda: It’s a great warmup for Balance Body, if you’re brave enough to do both!
Balance Blast is currently offered at our Thomas Circle, Foggy Bottom, and Glover Park locations, and will be launching at Capitol Hill in May 2018. Check out our class schedules for the most up-to-date class times.