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Freeze Your Membership

Freeze Your Membership2022-07-19T11:43:33-04:00


Due to the closure of our 1339 Green Court NW facility (A.K.A., Thomas Circle) location, we are allowing these members up to 6 months to freeze their account—and lock in their current rates.  Freezes must be in conjunction with your billing cycle and last month-long periods.

*Contracts prior to 2016 may have different terms for cancelations, please contact [email protected] for more information.

Freeze Your Membership

Leaving town for a little while? Pull a hamstring in your latest flag football game? This is a great option for you while keeping your rate locked-in.

  • ✓ Valid number ✕ Invalid number
  • Must be at least 7 days before your next billing date, and set in the future. If you don't know when that is then select the first day of the month and we'll contact you with an eligible freeze date.
  • Must be at least 1 month, and up to 3 months max per calendar year without documentation. If recovering from an injury that requires more than 3 months recovery time, or traveling outside the DC area due to work you'll need to submit a doctor's note or your travel orders for work with the dates in the document.
  • If you need to give us more details, please put your comments in the box, limited to 1000 characters—way more than Twitter.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.