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Physical Therapy2020-01-14T03:24:55-05:00

Physical Therapy

SET Physical Therapy

Now you don’t have to call the doctor or go somewhere else to ask about that “pinching pain I had today when doing an overhead press” or “muscle spasm in my back during spinning.” Meet our physical therapy partner — SET Physical Therapy.

SET is an acronym meaning:

  • Service
  • Expertise
  • Time

With several locations throughout the east coast, we’re proud to be partners with this growing company who’s unique approach to physical therapy keeps their clients coming back.

SET PT is now available at Balance Gym Foggy Bottom, and we’re excited to share that they will be coming soon to Balance Gym Glover Park!

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please checkout their website for more information.

Contact Our Physical Therapist

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