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Brandon Padgett


CrossFit Level 1

Olympic Lifting

Personal Training

Gym Location

Foggy Bottom Crossfit

Brandon Padgett

Three Years and Counting: My Journey as a Fitness Coach

Hey there! Three years and counting – that’s how long I’ve been coaching and helping people reach their fitness goals. I gotta tell you, it’s been an amazing journey so far. Growing up, I was always into sports and fitness, and I’ve been doing CrossFit for nine years now. And let me tell you, CrossFit is life-changing! It can make people happy, healthy, and confident. That’s why I decided to become a coach – to help people experience the change that CrossFit can bring. TBH, it’s inspiring to see how fitness impacts people’s lives, and I love being a part of their journey.

Taking Baby Steps: My Approach to Training

So, what’s my approach to training? Well, it’s pretty simple, really. I meet clients where they are and help them set small goals. And with each small goal accomplished, before they know it, they’ve achieved more than they thought possible. It’s all about taking those baby steps towards a bigger goal.

Overcoming Fears and Doubts: My Unique Skill Set as a Coach

And speaking of goals, I’ve got my CrossFit Level 1 Certificate, and I’m experienced in coaching Olympic lifts and CrossFit-style gymnastics. But my unique skill set is in helping people overcome their fears and doubts, and getting them to push past their limits.

From High School Sports to CrossFit: My Athletic Journey

Sports have always been a part of my life, and I’ve played soccer, baseball, and basketball through high school. But CrossFit is where my heart is.

French, Psychology, and Law: The Multifaceted Life of a Fitness Coach

And when I’m not coaching, you can find me exploring new restaurants around DC, hitting the trails for a hike, or planning my next travel adventure. In college, I studied French and Psychology, and I’m currently in law school. So you could say I’m a bit of a fitness and academic junkie. But hey, life’s all about balance, right?


CrossFit Level 1,

Olympic Lifting,

Personal Training,
