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Gustavo Gatti


Strength and Conditioning


Gym Location

Capitol Hill

Gustavo Gatti

Hey, I’m Gustavo! 

I’ve been training since November 2021, but my passion for fitness started back in 2017. The fitness guidance I was giving to my friends made me realize how much I love personal training. I credit them with my decision to become a fitness professional. 

My Training Style

My approach to fitness is simple: I think a focus on form, technique and practicality are the keys to success! 


My speciality is powerlifting form and technique, so if you’re looking to get strong, I’m your man!

What I Do for Fun

When I’m not in the gym you can find me playing soccer or rugby!

My Philosophy

I love to help people, be it with fitness, fixing things, DIY stuff, helping people is what makes our world turn. Helping you achieve your goals would be a joy!


Strength and Conditioning,

