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Liz Anton


Personal Training

Strength and Conditioning

Gym Location

Foggy Bottom

Liz Anton

Meet Liz

I have been doing group fitness classes for 6 months, but I am just starting out with one-on-one personal training!

Why Did I Pick the Fitness Industry?

I have been pretty active my whole life, playing varsity tennis all throughout highschool, and then continuing for fun in college. I would go to the gym, but never ventured further than the stair master and a couple of light dumbbells. It wasn’t until quarantine when my mom and I did Zoom personal training sessions in our living room that I really started getting super into the fitness industry and finding my own fitness journey once gyms opened up after lockdown. I got super passionate about lifting weights and strength training and have been obsessed ever since. This past year is when I decided to turn that passion into a career.

My Training Style

I like to approach training with pushing limits while maintaining proper form. I also think it is important to find fun in training, it makes everything more rewarding and makes you want to keep up with it.

I Dive DEEP!

No-really…I have been a certified scuba diver since I was 16!

Tennis, Anyone?

I played varsity tennis all 4 years of highschool, and taught tennis to elementary school children.

Fun Facts:

  • I love to travel and go on adventures trying new things.
  • I also love to hike and go on long walks/bike rides in my free time.


Personal Training,

Strength and Conditioning,
