Meet CrossFit Regionals Team Member Zoe Pond-McPherson! This is Zoe’s first time competing in the CrossFit Regionals Team Competition, but she competed as an individual for the last two years in Wollongong, Australia. Learn what she loves about CrossFit, and how she balances training with other things in her life, including studying to become a physical therapist!
How long have you been doing CrossFit? What are your favorite things about the sport?
I started CrossFit about five years ago at CrossFit Balance Thomas Circle. I enjoy a little friendly competition and CrossFit gives me the opportunity to do that, which in turn makes me a better athlete. More so than that though, I love the friendships I have made from CrossFit.
How many times have you competed in the CrossFit Regionals in the past?
I have completed in two CrossFit Regionals previously, both in Wollongong, Australia.
What are your goals for the CrossFit Regionals this year?
To do our best as a team, focusing on what we can control and hopefully that allows us to qualify for the CrossFit Games.
What are you most looking forward to for the CrossFit Regionals? What are you most nervous about?
I’m looking forward to the first event with the handstand walk obstacle course. I’m most nervous about how painful the worm thruster and burpee workout will be when Jon makes us go at ludicrous speed.
How has your training been going so far? How many hours a day do you usually spend training?
It’s being going well, though I definitely have a challenge fitting it in with my new schedule. I recently started following a new training program and I have really enjoyed the variety it brings. I spend about an hour and a half to two hours Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, then a little more , Saturday and Sunday with the team.
What does a typical day of training look like for you? A typical week?
My schedule is anything but typical because I am pursuing a degree in Physical Therapy, so I just fit things in whenever I can. Some days this means running or rowing at lunch then doing weightlifting and metcons in the evening. Typically, Mondays are my active recovery days, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays I do cardio at lunch if possible and then train again at night, on Fridays I do another training session, and then I train with the team on Saturdays and Sundays.
You competed in Regionals last year as an individual. How is it different training for the team competition than as an individual?
This is way more fun. I love sharing scores with Liz every day so we both get a push even if we can’t be together. I also genuinely enjoy spending time with everyone on the team and it just makes the whole process more enjoyable. I also work harder for a team than I do for myself.
Are you doing anything different to prepare for the Regionals this year than in previous years?
I am spending a LOT less time training and just upping the intensity because I have significantly less time available.
Was there anything that surprised you during the CrossFit Open this year? Are there specific times of workouts you’re expecting in Regionals this year?
I was surprised to finish as high as I did given the drastic decrease in training volume – I improved worldwide by about 200 places. Yes, we have tested out all the workouts and I think we can do well, we have general goals for each workout.
Are you following a nutrition plan while you’re getting ready for regionals? How do you change your nutrition in preparation for the competition?
I wish! I get Territory meals which helps a lot, but honestly, I eat what I can when I can. I do eat healthy food though. My healthy go-to food is chicken and broccoli with brown rice or a Territory meal.
How do you balance training for Regionals with everything else in your life? What do you like to do when you’re not training?
I’m still trying to figure out how to balance everything. It’s a work in progress. I LIKE to hang out with my dogs, go hiking, BBQ, etc but what I actually do is go to class 8:30/9-4:30 Mon-Fri and study most weekends, plus one night of dinner or games with friends.
What’s something you wish more people knew about CrossFit/CrossFit compet
It truly can be done by everyone, everything is scalable. As far as competitions go and improving, intensity over volume!