So You Decided to Join a Gym…
Decided to join Balance Gym as your 2019 new year’s resolution? Congratulations! Whether you just joined Balance this month or you’ve been a member for years and are looking to shake up your routine in 2019, there’s always an opportunity to make 2019 your fittest year yet. Read on for tips and tricks from Gabe Free, our Personal Training Director at Balance Gym Capitol Hill:
Congratulations! You took the first big step towards your 2019 self and joined Balance Gym. How’s it going so far? Hopefully you’ve adapted into a groove and have made some progress by now! If not, here’s my professional advice whether you’re a seasoned gym goer or new to the scene. If you can stick to these, I promise you’ll surprise yourself at your accomplishments.
- Make a schedule you’ll actually keep: Maybe you’ve been furloughed and have lots of free time to exercise lately. That’s great but it wont last forever. Eventually you will have to balance work and workout out. Set days and make a routine. Write it down, put it in your phone, think of it as something you get to do and not that you have to do. It should bother you like hell if you can’t get it done! Once it becomes habit – you’ve won.
- Make a realistic list of goals: In addition to a schedule, you need goals. Healthy training is a life long task, so achieving small goals over a long period of time is the recipe for success. Too often you see a blitz mentality to lose weight for a trip/wedding or get stronger for a 10k or something. Is that better than nothing? Sure. Is it going to actually make you better? Not really. Simple and achievable goals are necessary.
- Track progress: It’s as simple as writing everything down. Know what you did last time and have a plan for today. It’s important for those days where you feel like you aren’t making progress when you look back a few weeks and see that you have moved forward.
- Try classes: They’re free! And a rare example of how just “showing up” can make a big difference. Whether you’re tired, unmotivated, or nervous, once the class starts you’re in it. The group effort keeps you engaged. They also take the thinking out of exercise because your instructor will guide you all the way. If you workout on your on regularly I promise added a class into your routine will yield huge results and help push you over those plateaus. Try our class of the month – brand new Body Pump program!
- Sign up for a Right Start: Even if you aren’t getting a paycheck (sorry for another furlough jab), I’m sure you have $50 to spend on 3 Personal Training sessions. You wont find a better deal anywhere. If all the above seems like too much, a trainer is exactly what you need. We do the goals, schedule, workouts, motivation, nutrition, etc for you! When you have a trainer you have a companion to hold you accountable to yourself, as our success is measured by your success.
- Make a gym buddy or bring one: Have a partner in crime. Accountability is critical and being there for each other is an excellent motivator. Don’t have anyone in mind? Meet someone in class or in your favorite squat rack.
A lifestyle change is the only way to truly change your life (duh). It doesn’t have to be a giant leap to get to where you want to be. It’s about small steps everyday that lead to success.
Have any questions about personal training, classes or how to plan for success? Email