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Sean Anglin


Personal Training

Sports Conditioning

Strength and Conditioning

Gym Location

Foggy Bottom

Sean Anglin

Who I Work With

As a personal trainer, I work with anyone on every occasion of fitness, but if muscle growth is your thing, I’m your man.

My Speciality: Muscle Growth

I specialize in helping my clients of all age ranges build muscle. I dig deep into the anatomy of the human body and introduce you to the mind over muscle perspective within a given movement. Although there are various workouts that can spark one’s interest, I believe that to effectively utilize those movements and create muscle growth, you must not only develop the form, but should also develop the tension you put your muscles through.

My Training Style

The intensity of my personal training workout varies. Before we begin any workout I will put you through a fitness assessment. Doing this will allow me to see your weaknesses so that we can fix them in a long term perspective while keeping simplicity at hand. My simple pleasures derive from shifting one’s perspective of the day as arduous to bringing clients into the light of unification of the mind and body.


Personal Training,

Sports Conditioning,

Strength and Conditioning,
