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We’re excited to launch an 8-week Deadlift Clinic in September at Balance Gym Capitol Hill!

Intimidated by deadlifts, or just want to get better at them? Deadlifts are a full-body movement that activate a wide variety of muscles, from your legs and back to your abs and arms, so adding deadlifts to your routine will help you burn fat and use more muscles. They’re also an incredibly functional exercise with real-life uses – if you’ve ever had to pick up something heavy off the floor, you’ve used deadlifts before!
This September, join Ali, Personal Training Director at Balance Gym Capitol Hill, for an 8-week deadlift clinic that will focus on form, removing the intimidation factor, and improve your lifts. We’ll cover techniques, progressions and forms, and other accessory movements that will help you to improve your deadlifts. The clinic will kick off on September 9, 2019, with several different class times offered throughout the week.
When: Mondays/Wednesdays at 7:30am, Tuesdays/Thursdays 4pm
Where: Deadlift Platforms at Capitol Hill
Price: $230 for one session per week, $400 for two sessions per week, or $35 for a single class
Interested in learning more or signing up? Contact us today!
[contact-form-7 id=”2870″ title=”Deadlift Clinic Inquiry”]