This weekend, several Balance members will be participating in the Bike to the Beach 100-mile bike ride, from Washington, DC to Dewey Beach, DE, and raising money for Autism Speaks. Today, we’re highlighting team member Devin Maier, Balance Gym’s Managing Director, who will be riding in his ninth Bike to the Beach this weekend!
You can support the Balance Gym Bike to the Beach team by donating here, and you can donate to Devin’s ride here.

Name: Devin Maier
How many years have you participated in Bike to the Beach?
This will be my ninth year.
What made you decide to participate?
I was looking for a challenge and I love the beach so I figured that would be the perfect “carrot on a stick” for me.
What has your training looked like so far?
Not where I need to be, but I’ve done so many at this point I can hopefully wing it at this point.
What has been the best part of training so far? The most challenging?
I biked to Baltimore a few weeks ago to visit my baby niece. That was cool. Finding time for long rides in general has been the most challenging.
How has Balance Gym helped with your training and helped you achieve your goals?
I’m taking a Balance Ride class tonight!
What are you most looking forward to about the event?
Reaching my fundraising goal, the finish line and celebrating on the water all weekend.
How do you fit training into your busy schedule?
I bike to work whenever possible, and try to plan out longer rides on the weekend.
What are your “must-haves” for a long bike ride (can be music, gear, snacks, etc.)?
No headphones are allowed due to safety precautions but in general water and sunscreen and snacks is all I need for a 100 miler
Why do you Bike to the Beach?
Because it’s one the the best weekends of my year.
Complete the following sentence: #BalanceLife is:having fun.