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Hamilton Johnson joined Balance three months ago to begin his journey to become a healthier person, after his weight had begun to impact many other aspects of his life. He started personal training with Balance’s Managing Director, Devin Maier, and has already lost 50 pounds from beginning to work out and change his diet – and he still plans to lose 50 more! Read on to learn more about Hamilton’s story, and email us to learn more about how personal training at Balance can help you reach your goals!

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Name: Hamilton Johnson
Occupation: Chef/Partner at Honeysuckle Restaurant
Balance Location: Foggy Bottom

What made you decide to join Balance, and what made you decide you were ready to change your lifestyle and lose weight?

I really wanted and needed to become a healthier person. I was tired all the time and had poor eating habits. Being unhealthy was also affecting my job – I just couldn’t perform the way I should have. I also hated my body and myself and was ashamed to even go out in public.

You’ve lost more than 50 pounds since you started personal training at Balance. How did you do it – what kinds of workouts are you doing, and how have you changed your diet?

So far, I’ve lost 55 pounds since I joined Balance, and I definitely couldn’t have done any of this without Balance’s personal training program. Devin has played a major role – helping me with workouts and helping me develop a positive outlook on fitness. We started off slow with workouts, just getting movements and techniques down, particularly to improve range of motion. We are doing a lot of kettlebell exercises, some CrossFit workouts, and lots of cardio.

My diet has changed drastically – I’m mainly trying to eat lots of vegetables and lean proteins. I’ve cut out a lot of alcohol, I try to have only a few drinks a week. And I try and drink a lot of water. But I do still treat myself to a cheeseburger from time to time – just not too often.

What was the hardest thing about changing your lifestyle and losing weight? What was the best part of the process?

The hardest thing for me was in the beginning: just trying to get in a routine with the gym and also eating the right foods. The cravings were really tough, but now are a lot easier.

The best parts are the little things that are getting easier, like going upstairs or tying my shoes. And I’m sleeping so much better, too. I’ve dropped 2 shirt sizes and 2 pant sizes, so now I get to buy a whole new wardrobe, which is also pretty exciting.

You’re still trying to lose another 50 pounds over the next several months – what’s your plan for doing that?

I’m planning to lose another 45-50 pounds to bring the total to 100 pounds. I’m currently counting calories, paying even more attention to nutrition, and just continuing to push myself with my workouts to get there!

Do you have any gym must-haves (can be gear, music, post-workout snacks, etc.)?

I definitely have a routine that I’ve been sticking to: I have a turbo tea before I workout. Then I do cardio, and while doing cardio I always watch Seinfeld. Then I do weights and whatever work out Devin has planned or has shown me. Then I have my Performix protein shake afterwards.

How do you fit working out into your busy schedule?

I usually fit my workout in before work in the morning.

What do you like most about Balance? How has Balance helped you achieve your goals?

Balance is an awesome gym. Its becoming my home away from home. Everyone is super nice and helpful and they have all the equipment that I need for sure. And the showers are so awesome! And the pool and sauna as well!

Complete this sentence – #BalanceLife is: life!
