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Membership Options

Membership Options2020-07-12T18:13:33-04:00

Balance – Not Just a Gym, but a Community!

From the moment our doors opened in 2009, we set out to create a community of diverse, yet like minded people, who were interested in their personal, physically, mentally and social well-being!   We stay true to that commitment and work hard to create a healthy community for our members through a number of group and community based events and activities.

What Membership is Right For You?

Since one monthly price gets you access to all four of our gyms in DC, including, Thomas Circle, Foggy Bottom, Capitol Hill, and Glover Park, you only need to decide if you would prefer an annual membership or a month-to-month membership.

All 4 Locations—One Great Price

ANNUAL $84/mo


Get a Free Pass Now! Just Pick a Gym To Start

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