Balance is proud to partner with the DC Eagles Australian Rules Football Team this year! We talked to Coach Danny Seow to learn more about Australian Rules Football and why they love Balance Gym!
For those who don’t know, what is the difference between Australian Rules football and American football?
Australian football doesn’t wear pads but is full contact like rugby. Some key differences are:
- Handballs (like volleyball) instead of throws ball,
- The game is continuous (except when the ball is caught from a kick), and the ball can be played in any direction like in soccer;
- 18 a side on field instead of 11 a side,
- Field is 4 times the size of an American football field
- Scoring points is done between four posts two tall middle posts (Goals) and with 2 smaller posts (points) are scored from kicking thru uprights if touched always 1 point.
- Each quarter is 20 minutes long. Extra time begins with a bounced jump ball (like basketball) as well as after each Goal scored.
- We can run with the ball but need to bounce it every 15m
This video will help you visualize the game!
How often does the team train at Balance? What are typical workouts like?
We train Monday nights at Balance and the players who have joined Balance train there around 3x a week. We also do Balance Burn once a week if possible.Our typical workouts are HiiT or Circuit training. I also add a few martial and core exercises to keep them honest.
How often do the DC Eagles compete?
The Season starts in May and finishes the weekend October 21st with a National Championship this year in San Diego.
What are your favorite things about the DC Eagles’ partnership with Balance? Why does the team like working out there?
Balance Gym Thomas Circle is conveniently located so most of our players can attend our Monday nights. Balance’s sports-focused facilities are perfect for Australian football athletes as it requires a multitude of fitness disciplines, endurance, strength, flexibility, agility, core, speed, vertical capabilities as well as kicking and handballing, tackling.
Anything else you’d like to add?
I would say its the most exciting game I have ever played, not being biased having played many sports at a high level from American football, basketball and tennis, but it does depend on your perspective. But all in all it’s AWESOME! 🙂