We’re thrilled to partner with Territory Foods, a company that provides healthy, balanced meals to help athletes meet their nutritional goals. We sat down with co-founder Robert Morton to learn more about Territory Foods and how their services can help you become a stronger, healthier athlete.
What is your role at Territory Foods?
As one of the co-founders I’ve worn plenty a hat over the years but the most consistent threads have been leading the marketing and building lots of relationships (including our first meet with Devin, then Danielle, at Thomas Circle way back in 2012!) with great folks in the local fitness and nutrition community.
For those who haven’t heard of it, what is Territory Foods? How did the company get started?
We’re all about fueling up active people so they can go off and do what they love doing. We do that with prepared meals in weekly plans (ordered online in advance, crafted by a network of talented local chefs and delivered to your gym) that both support your nutrition goals and that you’ll love eating.
That’s often a hard combo for people to nail consistently on their own. So we’ve found we can really help folks with a service that makes it easy to integrate unquestionably healthy eating into a super busy life AND have a good time for your tastebuds in the process.
That’s the two-step that sparked the creation of the company. Patrick had found the magic of working out differently and eating better. He was seeing great results in the gym, waistline, etc. But he hit a sustainability wall on the eating front where he got super sick of, and ran out of time for, cooking meals for himself that met his health goals and actually tasted good. Beyond his own cooking, he couldn’t find other options that fit his newly intentional dietary needs. Restaurant delivery services often didn’t hit the health goal and were a pain to do with any consistency, and meal plan-oriented services either failed on taste, on actually being healthy, or both. So Territory was born.
Territory Foods started out as Power Supply. Why did you decide to re-brand the company? Has anything else changed since the re-brand?
We wanted the flag we carry to speak more clearly about the main thing we’re ultimately trying to help people do… get their well-being dialed in so they can go off and do all sorts of awesome stuff in their life, whatever that stuff is.
Territory, and this notion that we all have interesting ground to go explore that’s pretty unique to each of us, felt really good. And the idea that we can be useful to people down that kind of path is super motivating for our gang.
Yeah, lots of improvements came along with the rebrand. Few that I like the most… more sustainable order packaging that folks have really dug (and taken lots of photos of), photos of meals, and ways to personalize the menu to a broader set of nutritional approaches from Paleo, to low carb, Whole 30, tuning for macros, etc.
How is Territory Foods different from other meal delivery services?
Most food companies are created to solve for “I’m hungry, feed me now/cook for me tonight”. Territory was started to solve a fundamentally different problem: “How do I consistently eat food that I trust is really healthy and meets my nutrition goals…AND not hate it?” A problem that also requires a different approach to great tasting food.
Why? Customers rely on us for multiple meals a week so variety becomes super important – even if you ate at your favorite restaurant multiple times a week, you’d go crazy.
Thus instead of stamping out meals from a big central kitchen somewhere, we work with more than 10 independent, local chefs (caterers, restaurants, food truck operators, and more) who work out of their professional kitchens to craft meals that not only fit the nutritional approaches our customers care about but that also taste awesome. So customers get access to the diverse styles of multiple professional chefs interpreting healthy food each week, all in a single order they can manage and personalize online.
How does ordering work? (How do you place an order, how much does it cost, how often can you pick up your food, what if you need to skip a week, etc.)
Super simple. Order online at territoryfoods.com by Thursday midnight, pickup your meals the following Monday and/or Thursday from the Territory fridge at Balance Gyms.
You can order breakfasts, lunches, dinners… in plans from 3 all the way to 15 meals per week. Meals run from just under $10 bucks to $16 per meal depending on size (small all the way up to xl).
Most of our customers choose recurring plans for the easy-factor. I.e. you can set your order once and meals will roll your way automatically each week, whether you let us do the choosing for you, or opt to customize what you get some weeks. All without any commitments/contracts. And you can pause anytime if you’re going to be out of town, etc.
I was looking through Territory’s website and wanted to see if you could comment about the local aspect of Territory Foods, particularly regarding sourcing and giving back to the community?
The local piece has been super important to us from the first delivery in Alexandria way back when.
Local chefs first of all. We love working with local professional chefs to craft the food. These are folks who are building great businesses and hiring people right here in the region. Like Chef Anna from DC Empanadas who has food trucks, a presence at Union Market and a new restaurant.
And local non-profits too. From the very beginning we’ve always loved this idea that together with customers we could support the work of non-profits doing great work in the region. Thus our Giveback program, which allocates a portion of proceeds to fund non-profit programs like our longest standing collaboration… Arcadia’s Mobile Farmers Market which brings high quality food to underserved communities around the region.
Why is Territory Foods’ service important for athletes doing CrossFit, yoga, or any other athletic endeavor?
We’ve built the company ground up to serve people who want to eat better and move more.. because we’ve personally seen how great the results can be when people get eating and moving dialed in together… and stay with it.
That’s really the big piece, and what we talk about with people a lot… staying with it. It’s comparatively easy to try something new to fuel your movement and life better. But sustaining healthier eating is hard. If you can find the right mix though, and keep with it, the results can be so incredible from body, to mind, spirit, you name it.
So we’d say any resources (our service, diy resources, restaurants, grocery spots, etc.) that can help you put together a sustainable healthy eating mix (and make your mouth happy too) is a good thing.
How can Territory Foods help Balance athletes achieve their goals?
Make it easier to achieve your nutritional goals and have a good time for your taste buds doing it.
If you haven’t yet tried us, go to www.territoryfoods.com/yum/BALANCELIFE for $25 off your first purchase.
Anything else you’d like to add?
If being a Devin Maier fanboy is wrong I don’t want to be right.