Our Quarantine Cleaning Projects
Some of you have been brushing up on your sourdough-making skills; some of you have been reading that novel that has been on your shelf for years; and all of you have been supporting your community in big and little ways.
So, what’s happening with the Balance Gym team? We have been deep-cleaning with anti-viral agents, repairing, and renovating all of our locations! We do not know for certain when we will be open again, but when we can welcome you back, we promise our facilities have been thoroughly disinfected and we have made exciting improvements.
We look forward to the day when we are all together training again, and while we are apart, we hope that you stay happy and healthy. Please don’t hesitate to email or call us if we can support you and your fitness.
We’ve Renovated the Rooftop at Balance Gym Thomas Circle
Our turfed roof deck at Thomas Circle has long been one of our favorite places to work out, but it’s had its fair share of dropped kettlebells and water damage. We have been hard at work repairing the broken wood and laying down fresh turf. Rooftop Bootcamps, here we come!
We’ve Built a New Outdoor Deck at Thomas Circle
We have had the dream of extending the lifting space on the second floor of Thomas Circle for some time, and we were finally able to create an outdoor area for outdoor workouts. #SOMUCHROOMFORACTIVITIES
We’ve Deep-Cleaned Every. Single. Location.
We have been cleaning every nook and cranny in our gyms: fogging all open areas, power-washing all of the floors, and taking hospital-grade disinfectant to all surfaces. This time has also allowed us to do some deep maintenance on our equipment, as well as replace worn out pads on many of our machines. Last but not least, the team has been trained on new cleaning procedures to keep in place when we re-open.
In addition to this, here are highlights what we’ve done at each location:
- Anti-Viral Deep cleaning
- High ductwork dusting
- Floors professionally buffed / cleaned
- Pads replaced on equipment
- Grout / tile in wet areas professionally cleaned
- Every surface and piece of equipment disinfected
- Each floor fogged with medical grade disinfectant
- All equipment serviced and repaired
Specifically By location, all of the above plus:
- Capitol Hill:
- New shower heads / shower curtains
- Thomas Circle:
- Outside deck built from 2nd floor for outdoor workouts
- Roof repairs + new turf for outdoor workouts
- New shower heads / shower curtains
- Glover Park:
- New shower heads / shower curtains
- Foggy Bottom:
- Pool and spa deep cleaned