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  • How'd you hear about Balance?

This month, Balance Body is our class of the month. This class combines barbell complexes with tabatas to get you super strong.

How the Class Works: 

Balance Body combines eight different lifts that target every major muscle group with sets of four-minute tabatas  – twenty seconds of intense movement followed by ten seconds of rest. Unlike classes like CrossFit or Balance Bootcamp, the consistent format allows you to see strength gains from week to week.

Why Is it Effective?

So why is Balance Body super effective? In each set, you perform eight repetitions of eight different total-body movements, from squats, thrusters, and lunges to good mornings, rows, cleans, and push-presses. Between each set, you perform four minutes of tabatas – twenty seconds of intense, challenging body-weight exercises followed by ten seconds of rest.

“Combining these two unique and proven training methods and adding them to music really make for a fun, effective, and challenging workout,” says Devin Maier, who created the class in 2014.

Why Should You Try It?

Our Balance Body instructors told us some of their favorite things about the class, and why you should try it out:

  • “It’s awesome to have a class where you can really track your progress and push yourself into heavier weights! I’ve seen the best strength gains and fat loss come from Balnce Body.” – Cassia, Foggy Bottom
  • “For both the cardio freaks and lifters, it’s the most efficient use of 45 minutes!” – Christina, Foggy Bottom
  • “Even if you only have 30 minutes for a lunch break, you can still get in a full workout that includes both strength and cardio (since most people prefer to focus on one or the other.” – Ariel, Thomas Circle
  • “Balance Body teaches important strength movements and is accessible to any fitness level.” – Gabe, Capitol Hill
  • “It builds muscle, endurance, and core strength, and is a ton of fun! It’s a well-rounded, all-inclusive kickass workout.” – Kacie, Glover Park

This class is awesome for any member that wants to learn some more strength-based moves and is looking for a true challenge.
