We’re so proud of Balance trainer Jermaine Ennis, who was recently listed among the top three personal trainers in Washington, DC in the Washington City Paper Readers Poll. Learn more about Jermaine, and email [email protected] to find out more about training with him!

Name: Jermaine Ennis
Occupation: Personal Trainer
Hometown: Washington DC
How long have you been a personal trainer? How long have you been at Balance?
I’ve been in the sport and health industry since 2001 but did not fully take on the role of a “personal trainer” until 2004. I’ve been training for 13 years and training with Balance Gym for 8 years.
Tell us about yourself, your background, and your fitness background?
My fitness background actually began with my brother’s Hulk Hogan Workout Set. I really thought those 5-10 lbs sand-filled weights were going to have me “jacked.” I’ve always been amazed by the human body, spending summer vacations reading through the medical journals that came along with the encyclopedias my father had purchased for our home library. I would have to say those journals placed me on track to either aiming to become a doctor or working in a sport setting. Luckily, I was able to take advantage of a vocational opportunity while in high school within Wheaton Athletic Club, set up by a great mentor.
Tell us about your training style. What are your favorite kinds of workouts?
My training style varies based upon the client. One style does not fit all. There’s always a different approach to meet the wants & needs of the client. My favorite kinds of workouts are those in which my clients believe I’ve just invented it right on the spot. It humors me, however it lets me know that they are being challenged and I’m capable of planning a full workout within a small square of a busy gym with two dumbbells or no equipment.
What is your favorite easy, healthy meal (to cook at home or to grab on the go)?
My favorite easy meal would include an easily prepared protein, brown rice, and a dark green leafy vegetable. I save the fancy stuff for company or Sundays.
What are some of your gym must-haves?
A must-have would be an energy booster (green tea or pre-workout mix) prior to my workouts and one of my many Spotify playlist. Something powerful, loud and inspiring. It provides me with the intensity and focus to push through the heaviest of lifts.
How do you fit working out into your busy schedule? How do you suggest others fit working out into their lives?
On my busiest days, I attempt to fit in my workouts within a 30-45 minute block in between clients. I try not to kill time slowly getting dressed into fancy gear. It’s a workout, not a fashion show. I think what happens to most people is a lack of preparation. They don’t have a plan or plan around one thing. Often times, too much of their workout time is trying to figure out what to do rather than actually doing it.
What advice do you have for someone who is new to working out?
Start out with something that makes you comfortable. Try not to jump into activities based on popularity or classes that are high intensity; they could lead to a negative association with working out. Try not to look at working out as a chore, create a mindset that associates working out as positive. There is nothing wrong with asking for help or running through a small stint with a quality trainer.
Share a fun fact that people might not know about you!
I’m an autodidact. I spend my nights trying to learn and increase my depth of knowledge on various topics and skills. I also enjoy putting together model cars and taking part pop culture trivia.
#BalanceLife is: grit,strength and laughter.