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Royce Sarpy

Personal Trainer Royce Sarpy


Mobility and Recovery

Personal Training

Gym Location

Capitol Hill

Royce Sarpy

Spark Your Potential with 7 Years of Personal Training Expertise

Hey there! I’m Royce Sarpy, a Personal Trainer dedicated to helping individuals tap into their full potential and achieve their fitness goals. With a combined experience of 7 years in the field, 4 of which were here in the DMV and 3 in the vibrant city of NYC, I bring a unique blend of expertise and energy to every training session.

How it All Started for Me

So, what led me to dive headfirst into the fitness industry? It all began with a profound realization. Witnessing my parents face health complications and ultimately pass away, I recognized the crucial role of staying physically active. This realization fueled my determination to lead a healthy lifestyle and inspire my clients, irrespective of their backgrounds.

My Holistic Approach to Training Empowers Others

As a seasoned classroom teacher of 10 years, I embrace a holistic approach to training. It’s not just about guiding clients through workouts; it’s about empowering them with the skills they need to conquer their health, wellness, and fitness goals both during and beyond our personal training sessions. Consider me your facilitator for fitness, cheering you on every step of the way!

Unlocking Mobility and Flexibility: Yoga as a Path to Strength

But that’s not all—I bring some valuable tools to the table. Alongside being a certified Personal Trainer, I’m also a certified yoga instructor. Why does that matter? Well, I firmly believe that mobility and flexibility are fundamental pillars for building strength and achieving lean muscle growth. Drawing from my background in yoga, I can assist clients in expanding their range of motion and navigating various types of injuries, ensuring a comprehensive approach to their fitness journey.

Sports Fueled My Desire for Coaching

Sports have always played a pivotal role in my life. From practicing karate and taekwondo to immersing myself in tumbling and gymnastics, I’ve personally experienced the transformative power of athleticism. This passion for sports and physical activity has ignited a desire within me to help others discover their own athletic potential and surpass their perceived limitations.

Royce, the Adventurer

Beyond the realm of fitness, I find solace and inspiration in nature’s embrace. Hiking and engaging in outdoor activities, particularly those involving water sports or lakes and oceans, invigorate me. There’s an indescribable sense of joy and fulfillment that arises from connecting with the great outdoors and challenging oneself in new and exciting ways.

Don’t Forget to Eat Your Veggies!

Oh, and here’s an interesting tidbit about me—I’ve been following a vegan lifestyle for nearly five years. However, I believe in respecting and supporting each individual’s dietary choices. Everyone is on their own unique journey, and I’m here to provide guidance and assistance, regardless of your dietary preferences.

So, if you’re ready to embark on an exhilarating fitness adventure, let’s team up!

Ready to get serious?

Lets start you off with a free Fit 3D body scan, and a free consultation! Just fill out the questionnaire below, and my team will be in touch to schedule you for a visit. Tell them you want to work with Royce!


Mobility and Recovery,

Personal Training,
