This time last year, Team CrossFit Balance made a statement winning the first event at the CrossFit Mid-Atlantic Regionals, and displaying their spirit and lightheartedness in their Legends of the Hidden Temple shirts. Though this weekend’s Rogue Invitationals didn’t result in the outcome they’d hoped for, the team once again captured the hearts and attention of the CrossFit community. During Event 3, fans were moved to tears and we will never forget the camaraderie shared by the CrossFit Balance athletes, spectators, and competitors on the floor! It’s ironic that they debuted the CF Balance Pride shirts this afternoon and that is what exactly our support crew was feeling at the end of Day 1.
OH—There was Blood!
During Event 1, Liz Parry sustained a hand injury that sidelined her for the rest of the weekend. Despite a broken and deep gash on her finger caused by a sign flipping up in their lane at the beginning of the event, she pushed through this event and went directly off the field and to the hospital after the event. Caitlin Meade, who has been part of the CrossFit Balance community and has supported and trained with the team over the last year, accompanied Liz to the hospital and was then called back to take her spot in the competition. In CrossFit Regional/Game events alternates may be put on the team roster and used only prior to check in (usually day before the event); subs are not allowed and usually the teams are unable to move forward and compete. The organizers of the Rogue Invitational made an exception to let CrossFit Balance use an alternate and compete for fun (no opportunities to score points).
Back On Track
The team had nearly an hour to re-connect and refocus for two more events that afternoon while Liz was still at the hospital. Event 3 included muscle-ups and snatches (225/145 lbs). This was only 5 pounds under Caitlin’s 1-rep max – between that and a nagging shoulder issue, it wasn’t exactly a recipe for mental confidence. During the event, everyone was moved by Caitlin’s effort, persistence, smile, earned confidence, and ultimate triumph for hitting 4 snatches. This spectacular moment is a display of her heart, power of the CrossFit community, and sends a deeper message of what CrossFit is about. It’s a sport where fans build you up regardless of where you are on the field, what team you are on, and what weight you have on the bar.
Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet, former CrossFit Games champion who was competing beside CrossFit Balance on the ROMWOD team told Caitlin before her lift, ” Visualize yourself making it twice, then hit it.” After the competition, Caitlin shared that she did, in fact, visualize herself making the lifts, which helped during the event. A belief in yourself and ability to overcome such a challenge whether it is on the competition floor, at the gym, or in another aspect of our life is the magic of CrossFit!
“I am so proud of this team being out there at the Rogue Invitationals and competing beside some of the best athletes in the World, representing what a team has always been in CrossFit (a bond between athletes who regularly train with one another and display that cohesiveness), and step up to the plate and still achieve success,” head coach Danielle Dionne said.
Other highlights from the weekend include: Craig and Zoe both hitting new front squat PRs 405 and 250lbs, Catlin doing sets of 4 for her first time moving a 70lb DB, Pat crushing muscle-ups during the second event, Liz continuing to move forward in Event 1 and whose major concern at the hospital was not letting the team down.
This years’ success and achievement for the CF Balance team was surely not measured by their ranking but by the heart these guys displayed for one another!