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Top 5 benefits of Lagree: We break down our favorite benefits of Lagree

Full disclosure, we have a couple of studios dedicated to Lagree, so it’s safe to say that we’re a little biased when it comes to the fun and value we get from a Lagree workout. The machines, the instructors, and the overall environment combine to create an experience like no other with endless versatility and potential. So, we’re breaking down just a few of our favorite things about Lagree in this Top 5 List.

  1. Building Comradery – A class at one of our Lagree studios is akin to a clubhouse experience. The instructors and participating groups are committed to a single purpose: having the best session possible. Balance Gym constantly makes having fun and bonding over fitness a top priority, and there’s nothing like a class of Lagree Fitness to bring everyone together.
  2. Stronger Muscles – Lagree is great for so many reasons, but like any good workout, building strength is always a must. Without stronger muscles, it can often feel like progression is stagnant. Luckily, with Lagree there’s a plethora of muscles to work, as the classes are a whole body workout. Each movement is dedicated to building strength, and the nature of the movements make it so that even often neglected muscles get a benefit (when was the last time your obliques got sore??).
  3. Better Flexibility – Because so many of the exercises within Lagree involve sliding on the equipment, you’re not just strengthening your muscles, but stretching them as well. Like a well-oiled machine, your body becomes more pliable with the movements as your stabilizing muscles work to increase flexibility.
  4. Low Impact – Unlike so many types of exercise, Lagree’s founder specifically designed the program and machines to minimize impact. With the intention of a low impact, high intensity workout, Sebastien Lagree created an exercise routine that can be performed by everyone from athletes to those in recovery. The movements can be challenging without destroying your joints.
  5. Your Heart Will Thank You – At its core, Lagree is intended to be a high intensity workout, with each movement coming one after the other. Unlike HIIT, where there are intervals of rest, the rest comes in the breaths during the movement itself. This means a continuous effort is put in, keeping a high intensity energy throughout, working your heart in the range that is considered vigorous exercise. These exercises are shown to improve blood pressure and blood sugar compared to moderate exercise.

There’s no denying the benefits of Lagree, and its approachability makes it a viable option for just about anyone willing to give it a try.

Come see what the excitement is about at either our Capitol Hill or Glover Park locations.


