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Want to Exercise More?  Get Yourself a Dog!

Dog Owners Exercise More!

A recent study out of the University of Liverpool and published in April’s Scientific Reports shows what many dog owners probably already know.  People who own dogs, exercise more!  However, what was more of a surprise, was the fact that simply walking your dog on a regular basis will have you exceeding the standard guidelines for exercising for health (at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week).  In fact, most dog owners spent 300 minutes each week walking with their dogs.  Non dog owners, were averaging about 100 minutes per  week, a significant drop off.

Dog ownership seems to have more residual benefits, in fact, most spend more time jogging, cycling, and working out at the gym.  In addition, children walked 100 minutes a week and spent another 200 minutes playing with their pets, making them substantially more active than children without a pup.

If you are having trouble getting motivated to start working out, maybe it is time to pay a visit to the local SPCA!

Link to Article:  https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/29/well/move/dog-owners-get-more-exercise.html
