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Tensegrity Yoga2020-02-10T04:21:21-05:00

Tensegrity Yoga Classes in Washington DC at Thomas Circle Location

Strengthen and lengthen your head, shoulders, knees, and toes through this Vinyasa style yoga designed for athletes and yogis. Movement will be derived from a series of sun salutations, standing poses, and hip openers strung together, and will incorporate arm balances and inversions.  Instruction will be given throughout the hour on how to engage opposing muscles in the poses to maximize power and stability. Be prepared to leave class with a stronger core.

Courtney Costello

Welcome to Your Fitness Journey with Courtney Costello Courtney Costello’s journey in the fitness and wellness industry has spanned several years, during which she has honed her expertise and passion for helping others achieve happier […]

$25 —nonmembers, Free for Members


Thomas Circle CrossFit