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Yoga for Meat Sticks FB2020-02-10T04:27:38-05:00

Yoga For Meat Stick Classes in Washington DC at Foggy Bottom Location

Have you ever been turned off by traditional yoga but still want a way to increase flexibility? It doesn’t matter what you do in the gym or for sport, the fundamentals of yoga will boost performance, optimize range of motion, and accelerate recovery. This class is designed around the common mobility issues of athletes and lifters and is a more informal environment to practice some classic yoga poses with some modern mobility drills mixed in. Expect to work through flows, but also expect to spend a little longer in postures and potentially use tools like foam rollers and lacrosse balls.

Courtney Costello

Welcome to Your Fitness Journey with Courtney Costello Courtney Costello’s journey in the fitness and wellness industry has spanned several years, during which she has honed her expertise and passion for helping others achieve happier […]

$25 —nonmembers, Free for Members


Foggy Bottom CrossFit